I didn't know about Tim's passing until Thursday night at midnight. Total state of shock but this piece gave me some needed closure. I'm working on something from my own point of view now and I'll share it with you once It's completed. God Bless.

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What an incredible portrait of Tim you have drawn. You have animated his life force with every carefully placed line and shading. I see a perfectly flawed human being with a relentless wish to grow and an unshakeable commitment to "seriously and playfully" participate in life, from his God given gift's, despite its brutality, sorrows, anguish, failures and turbulence. I feel cheated of the future conversations we might have had on my annual visits to the mid west. Since he directly participated in the "color revolutions" of the old Soviet regimes, I have many things I wish I could ask him. I feel so fortunate to have met Tim just a month before his passing. He has left an indelible imprint. Thank you for your heart felt memorial that reads like a Rembrandt portrait.

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